Oklahoma prisons ahead in vaccinations but advocates say earlier access could have saved lives

Poetic Justice Co-Founder Ellen Stackable had the opportunity to talk to State Impact Oklahoma regarding the effects of Covid19 on people who are incarcerated.

Here are updates on COVID and vaccinations in our other program locations:

South Carolina: COVID-19 vaccinations underway for people held in SC jails and prisons

Arkansas: Arkansas reports 178 new virus cases, prison visits expand

Official message from the Public Information Officer at CIW, the facility we work at in California:

"We have offered the vaccine to all inmates here at CIW and our camps. 70% of the population has accepted and have been vaccinated; the inmates that refused are then ducted to meet with their primary care physician for further education. Currently, we are only offering the Moderna vaccine to staff and inmates."


‘On the Inside: Art and Stories by Incarcerated Women


Oklahoma’s Incarcerated women “find our voices” through Poetic Justice